Your English-Tasks for Week III of the Corona Internment.

Dear students of mine,

as you already know, my workload has got out of hand and it doesn’t seem possible for me for the time being to give you further written tasks for the coming week.

However, English being a spoken language, the situation at the moment seems actually predestinated to use it for English speaking practice.

So for this week, I would like to ask you to join a Zoom-conference on Thursday – Don’t panic! It is totally voluntary!

And to increase the level of difficulty, the two meetings will be at the usual time, during which we have our English lessons, that is

“Meeting 1” is at 8:00-8:40 (I wonder who will be there at this time of day, but I will have special surprise prizes for the first five students who link in at that time”),

“Meeting 2” is at 08:50-9:30 (No prizes here! So, as in normal life: “The early bird catches the worm!”)

All you have to do is to download the programme “Zoom” (beforehand) and then click on one of the two links, and join the respective meeting.

Another difficulty will be: English only! (However, you are allowed to ask for an English word, in case you get stuck.)

So here is your invitation to the two virtual classrooms:

Meeting 1:

Zoom-Meeting beitreten


Meeting-ID: 379 000 511

Passwort: 023917 Normally, you don’t need a password…

Meeting 2:

Zoom-Meeting beitreten


Meeting-ID: 922 783 215

Passwort: 027763


Alle diejenigen, die sich auf die Hauptschulprüfungen vorbereiten: Besorgt euch bitte das STARK-Heft „Stark Original-Prüfungen, Hauptschule 2020 – Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch – Hessen, ISBN: 978-3-8490-4049-9, € 14,90 und dazu unbedingt das Lösungsheft ISBN: 9783849040505 und übt mindestens eine der Prüfungen der letzten Jahre pro Woche. Es ist wichtig, dass ihr die mangelnde Vorbereitungszeit in der Schule irgendwie auffangt. Alle Betroffenen bitte ich zu einer Videokonferenz über Zoom zu kommen, damit ich euch noch ein paar Tipps zum Üben geben kann.

Mister Will lädt euch zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.
Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 685 613 791
Passwort: 026907


There will be another task, especially for all those, who are not volunteering to join the Zoom-meetings are prevented for any reasons to join the meetings:

Prepare a 3 minute talk (in English, of course) for after the holidays.

Choice 1: Talk about something funny you have experienced. Tell us, why it seemed funny to you. Make sure, that you put in some piece of gossip that you tell us in reported speech. And make sure, that you make us laugh at some point during your talk.

Choice 2: Talk about something that really made you think, that you can’t understand, that is a question to you or that worries you. Try to put in some piece of gossip that you tell us in reported speech. But make sure, that you make us discuss the problem with you. Ask for our opinion on one or two points.

So, to sum it up, either you have joined the Zoom-meeting on next Thursday, or you will give us a talk on one of the choices above.

Here are some more ideas, to keep you practicing your English:

There is a chance to watch sequels in English of Agatha Christie’s Marple or Poirot at the moment. You can go to Mediathek ARD, search for Agatha Christie Originalversion.

My advice: Watch at least one sequel a week. It’s wonderful British English (Marple) or with a just as wonderful English with a slight French accent (Poirot). I am sure some of you will love it.

On Mediathek ARD you can also find helpful programmes on grammatical issues if you search for

  • GRIPS Englisch
  • alpha Lernen Englisch
  • Englisch für Anfänger (The dialogues are rather slow and frumpy.)

But of course there are millions of videos in English on Youtube that you can watch.

My recommendation is to watch English programmes at least for 1 hour a week.

Well, I hope you will be happy with my propositions.

If you encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to phone me

I will be happy to answer all of your questions, salutations or ideas.

Watch out and take care of you and the ones you love…


P. Will